• Can I still use my property for myself or my family and friends, after it is being converted into a vacation rental?

Yes, absolutely! As part of our service, you will be provided with online access to your calendar, which allows you to block out any dates for your own use. Note however that you will not be able to use your property if it has already been booked by a paying guest, hence we recommend that you plan in advance and block out any dates that you may wish to use for yourself, in particular around holidays.
Also note that the property will be professionally cleaned after your stay, and cleaning costs will be charged against your account.

  • How much income should I expect from renting out my property as a vacation rental?

A good rule of thumb is that the nightly rental charge for your property may be about one thousands of the value of your property. For example, if your property is valued at $200,000, an approximate nightly rental charge may be $199/night. Of course this varies on a case by case basis according to the local market, in particular in resort areas.
Another rule of thumb in our region is that your property may rent for about 180 nights per year if properly management. This again varies according to how attractive your property is, and how much competition and demand exists in the area, but it gives you a general idea.